Gender influences infectivity in C57BL/6 mice exposed to mouse minute virus.

: Two natural outbreaks of mouse minute virus (MMV) are described. Observations during management of the naturally infected colonies led to a study in which 4-wk-old C57BL/6NCr and C57BL/6Tac mice were inoculated oronasally with an immunosuppressive variant of MMV (MMVi), as were adult C57BL/6NCr lactating dams or their pups (age, 10 d). By day 28 postinoculation, 100% of the 4-wk-old male C57BL/6NCr and C57BL/6Tac mice, 56.2% of 4-wk-old C57BL/6NCr female and 62.5% of 4-wk-old C57BL/6Tac female mice, 100% of adult lactating C57BL/6NCr dams, and 100% of inoculated pups (10 d) had seroconverted. Serologically positive nursing dams did not infect their nursing pups. In contrast, when nursing pups were inoculated, 100% of their dams seroconverted by 28 d postinoculation. Only 1 of 4 facility sentinels (Tac:SW female mice) seroconverted to MMVi and none of the 4 research sentinels (Tac:SW female mice) seroconverted under a once-weekly bedding transfer program. Consequently, 4 new research Tac:SW sentinels of each gender (n = 8) were placed in known-positive cages at cage-change; 100% of the male mice but 0% of the females seroconverted by day 48. Study results suggest gender influences both infectivity and the ability to detect subclinical infections of MMVi. Other factors that may influence detection of MMV include mouse strain or stock, short shedding period, and prolonged time between cage changes. In light of the data from both the natural infections and the experimental cases, cessation of breeding likely will be beneficial when trying to eradicate this virus.
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