Reorganization of GABAergic synapses in the viper optic tectum following retinal deafferentation

Abstract The immunocytochemical analysis of the viper optic tectum was carried out with an anti-γ-aminobutyric acid (anti-GABA) antiserum following retinal deafferentation for survival times ranging from 10 to 90 days. The ultrastructure of the SGFS neuropil revealed that among the two types of axon terminals, namely pleiomorphic (P) and spherical (S) boutons, a subtype of the latter (S2), corresponding to the retinal terminals, was found to degenerate at varying rates. In most cases, this resulted in the glial engulfment of the presynaptic partner, leaving the postsynaptic differentiation free (FPSD). Beyond the two first months, the asymmetrical freed postsynaptic differentiations (FPSDs) were progressively and partly reafferented by GABA-positive P axon terminals through a sliding process. Three months postoperative, the number of GABA-positive P axon terminals which, in normal animals, establish asymmetrical contacts (1–2%), was found to increase to approximately 10%. The postsynaptic differentiation may represent a mismatched receptor area for the new competing presynaptic partners. The functional implications of such ‘axonal terminal sprouting’ are discussed.
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