Facebook overuse and addiction among Turkish adolescents: are ADHD and ADHD-related problems risk factors?

ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE: In the last decade, using social network sites (SNSs) has grown and become an integral part of daily routine for adolescents. As known, ADHD is a major public health problem for all addiction types, including the Internet and SNSs addiction. Our aim was to examine the effect of ADHD, impulsivity types, using motivations, internalizing and externalizing symptoms on Facebook (FB) overuse and FB addiction among adolescents.METHODS: Participants were recruited from ADHD and non-ADHD adolescents who were applied to the child and adolescent psychiatry and have an active FB account. We used FB Use and Motivations Form, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS), Bergen FB Addiction Scale (BFAS) and Conners-Wells’ Adolescent Self-Report Scale-Long form (CASS:L).RESULTS: Our results indicated that ADHD adolescents have more fake FB accounts, have their own accounts for longer time, are using FB for more motivation types and FB overuse is more frequent than in non-ADHD counterparts. According to the d...
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