O 1s2p2p Auger process investigation of the Pr1-xSrxMnO3 system

We have measured the photon-energy dependence of the 0 1s2p2p Auger line at the 0 K threshold, below Mn L-2,L-3 as well as above the Mn L-2,L-3 edge of colossal magnetoresistance ( CMR) materials Pr(1-x)SrxMnO(3) ( PSMO) with x = 0.0 and x 0.3 compositions. Experimental results show that the 0 1s2p2p Auger peak splits and it can be best fitted to three component peaks. The relative intensity of the three peaks feature retain essentially similar values, in an experiment allowable error range of several percents, for both composition PSMO at 0 K threshold and below Mn L-2,L-3 excitation. However, the total intensity has fluctuations indicating the feature of final state effect. This situation further changes drastically at above Mn L-2,L-3 excitation energy by increasing the total intensity of x = 0.3 system by a factor of 4 to that of x = 0.0. These are discussed in terms of possible interatomic response and different valence band DOS for different PSMO compositions in the frame of covalent picture.
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