Cancer Du Sein Inflammatoire Chez La Femme Camerounaise

Introduction : Le cancer du sein inflammatoire (CSI), est relativement frequent chez la jeune femme camerounaise. L’objectif etait de presenter les caracteristiques du CSI en milieu camerounais. Patients et methodes : Il s’est agi d’une etude transversale descriptive, multicentrique a collecte retrospective allant du 1er Janvier 2010 au 31 Decembre 2014. Ont ete inclues toutes les femmes de nationalite camerounaise diagnostiquees pour un CSI histologiquement confirme. Resultats : Vingt-et-un cas de CSI ont ete colliges et representaient 3% de l’ensemble des mastopathies dans quatre hopitaux. L’âge moyen des patientes etait de 37,7 ans. Quatorze (66,7%) femmes avaient consulte apres un intervalle superieur a six mois. La localisation de la tumeur etait unilaterale dans tous les cas. Dix-huit (85,7%) des patientes avaient un statut ganglionnaire cliniquement positif. La taille tumorale mediane etait de 5cm. Les patientes etaient classees respectivement PEV3 dans 52,4%, PEV2 dans 28, 6% et PEV1 dans 19%. Huit patientes (38%) etaient metastatiques. Seize (76,2%) femmes avaient une negativite aux recepteurs œstrogenes et progesterones. Le carcinome canalaire infiltrant etait le plus frequent (66,6%). Treize (62%) patientes ont recouru au traitement traditionnel rituel. Une chimiotherapie neoadjuvante et adjuvante etait systematiquement instituee. Dix-huit (85,7%) patientes etaient operables et avaient beneficie d’une mastectomie. Six cas de recidive ont ete notes au cours du suivi. La survie a cinq ans etait de 42, 9%. Conclusion : L’utilisation systematique de la chimiotherapie neoadjuvante et adjuvante a ameliore le pronostic du CSI. Introduction: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is relatively common in young Cameroonian women. This paper aims to present the characteristics of the IBC in the Cameroonian environment. Patients and Methods: The paper uses a descriptive, multicentre cross-sectional study with retrospective collection from 1st of January 2010 to 31st of December 2014. All Cameroonian women affected by an IBC diagnosed and histologically confirmed were included in the study. Results: Twenty-one cases of IBC, which represented 3% of all treated mastopathies, was collected in four Church Hospitals. The mean age of the patients was 37.7 years. Fourteen (66.7%) consulted after an interval more than six months. The location of the tumour was unilateral in all of the cases. Eighteen (85.7%) of the patients had clinically positive lymph node status. The median tumour size was 5cm. The patients were classified into PEV3 52.4%, PEV2 28.6% and PEV1 19%, respectively. Eight patients (38%) were metastatic. Sixteen (76.2%) women had negative oestrogen and progesterone receptors. The most common histologic type was invasive ductal carcinoma with 66.6% of cases. Thirteen (62%) patients used traditional ritual treatment. Neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy were systematically instituted. Eighteen (85.7%) patients were operable and had undergone mastectomy. Six (33.3%) cases of recurrence were observed during the follow-up. The 5-years survival was 42.9%. Conclusion: Systematic use of neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy improved the prognosis of IBC.
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