Uso da estrutura conceitual da classificação internacional sobre segurança do paciente nos processos ético-disciplinares em enfermagem

The use of the conceptual structure of the international classification on the patient safety in the nursing ethical disciplinary processes. Objective: To classify the denounced procedures in the ethical disciplinary processes according to the conceptual structure of the international classification on patient safety. Method: This is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach and a documental and retrospective character which has analyzed the ethical disciplinary processes of the nursing professionals. It has been previously approved according to the CEP of the Federal University of Sao Paulo under the Number 110.390 and has not involved any human beings. Results: The research has highlighted that the most recurrent incident has been related to “medication/IV fluid” with 21,3%. However, this percentage was not significantly different from the 20,2% of the “process/clinical procedure”, of the 19,1% of the “resources/organizational management”. The analyzed data in the ethical disciplinary processes has allowed to infer that in spite of the ideas to improve patient’s safety, the errors in medication are still very common. Furthermore, the other incidents investigated have shown the necessity to pay attention to the professionals. It is very important to have better sources of information to better understand the complex events, and a deeper study to find out the real sources of risk related to assisting nursing professionals. Conclusion: This research has enabled the classification of procedures that motivated the denunciation and implantation of the ethical disciplinary processes against nursing professionals. The use of one single classification has permitted to better identify the possible sources of risk to the safety of the patient, which is very valuable to the management of assistential risk.
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