Diversidad de especies alimenticias en tres mercados agrícolas de la Habana, Cuba.

The inventory was conductedon the diversity of vegetable species present in the marketand to show the behavior of three species in markets ofdifferent dimensions in the City of the Habana, which receiveagricultural products from the whole country. The speciesused as model were: the red mammee or sapote (Pouteriasapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore et Stearn, species of the genderCapsicum and the Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.). In thekey species, their availability frequency, price, origin, andother characteristics were evaluated. The inventory shows agreat wealth that is manifested in occasions of up to 74species offered in one day, of which numerous traditionalcultivars of grains, fruits and vegetables are appreciatedamong other uses. The quantity of that inventory allowed todetect about 276 species within 84 families, in the course of12 months of evaluation. The study included the roots andtubers, vegetables, medicinal, grains, fruits and ornamentalplants. When comparing with the products observed instudies conducted in home gardens around the country, onlya small part of this diversity reaches the market.
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