The article contains the following sections: introduction, research results, conclusions and prospects for further research. In the introduction, a problem regarding the current trends in the development of web pages is considered, an analysis of recent research and publications is carried out, and the purpose of the article is formulated. The second section of the article reflects the main steps that should be followed in the development of web pages, namely: the collection of materials for the development of a web page (technical task), the division of the technical task into components; designing a web page; ; developing Web page (front-end and back-end) components; testing a web page by component;  web page placement. The main components of the  front-end development are described. \A detailed review of the text editor Sublime Text , as one of the most popular text editors with a wide range of convenient tools for the selection, marking and text code fragments, , is carried out. Since for modern developers a plugin is an integral part of the tools, the article discusses this concept and also describes the most popular plugins for Sublime Text: Package Control, JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets, Emmet, Advanced New File, Git, GitGutter, Sidebar Enhancements , ColorPicker, Placeholders, DocBlockr, SublimeCodeIntel, Minify, Sublime Linter, Color Highlighter. An example of developing an elementary web page is given to demonstrate the use of the described plug-ins, which consists of the following sections: a header; homepage; about us; contacts; basement. The use of the carousel interactive component has been demonstrated. The nuances of using frameworks and their components, such as CSS-Framework and Bootstrap, are considered. As a result of the research, a clear algorithm for the development of an elementary web page has been formed and and methods and means that can be used for this are described. The conclusions are about the prospects for the development of technologies for creating high-quality web pages.
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