Evaluating a training using the “four levels model”

Purpose – The aims of this study are: to present a training evaluation based on the “four levels model”; to demonstrate the value of experimental designs in evaluation studies; and to take a first step in the development of an evidence‐based training program.Design/methododology/approach – The Kirkpatrick four levels model was used to evaluate the effectiveness of management training. Hypotheses about the effects of internal/external locus of control and experiential learning styles were tested. Measures gathered at several points of time were compared to measures taken from a control group. “Level four” results were obtained by 360‐degree feedback appraisal.Findings – Trainees' knowledge improved significantly. Trained managers also demonstrated more “good” management behaviors and they scored higher on long‐term results. Trained supervisors with an internal locus of control acquired more knowledge than trained supervisors with an external locus of control. However, internals did not differ significantly...
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