AULAS PRESENCIAIS EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: relatos de experiências de professores do nível superior sobre as aulas remotas

This study sought to analyze and present the data obtained through research using the qualitative and quantitative method, the impacts identified and reported by higher education professionals in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the Metropolitan Region, through social isolation, about their experiences of the new class model proposed by the institutions, called remote class. The HEIs were closed by determination of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) through Ordinance No. 343 of March 17, 2020, and authorizes the substitution of face-to-face classes at educational institutions in the country, with classes that favor the means and technologies of education. information and communication. In this context, this research, returns to give voices to educators, in an attempt to understand their view on the dimensions of access to teaching and the conditions offered by the institutions, with the intention of obtaining answers to the implications described in the general objective and specific to that work. Thus, in reports and discussions, we present the tabulation of the data obtained, using the descriptive statistics of the responses to present them to the readers. We use graphics to improve and demonstrate the scope of the research. And finally, in the final remarks, in addition to reporting the broad analysis of the study, we leave reflections for future research, regarding the concussion of COVID-19 in the educational and cultural scope.
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