Genetic diversity in farmer grown spring barley material from Kyrgyzstan

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the economically important cereal crops grown in the highlands of the Kyrgyz Republic. In marginal agricultural areas of the country barley is considered as irreplaceable and very suitable fodder crop for livestock. In this study the genetic diversity of currently grown farmers’ spring barley material from Naryn and Issik-Kul provinces is described. In order to capture maximum diversity present in farmer field’s different morphological types were collected. The 22 spring barley accessions collected in 2008 were described morphologically and analysed using fourteen simple sequences repeat (SSR) markers. Most material was two-rowed barley, 78 %, whereas six-rowed barley was only 22 %. The spike colours present were light yellow, dark yellow, brown and violet. The material varied also for such characters as length of spike and number of kernels per spike. For the SSR loci 129 alleles were detected with an average of 9.3 alleles per locus and a genetic diversity with an average of h = 0.721 per locus. Based on analysis of molecular variance the 71.3 % of genetic diversity accounted for within accession variation, whereas 27.4 % for among accession variation. The variation between provinces was not significantly different. A group of two-rowed barley was identified that was more closely related to six-rowed barley than to the rest of the two-rowed barley material. Two-rowed material currently grown in Kyrgyzstan is more diverse than six-rowed barley (h = 0.65, A = 8.8 vs. h = 0.59, A = 3.1). From this study we could conclude that the materials nowadays grown by farmers are mixtures. Since there are no geographic differentiation between these mixtures suggests that materials is frequently inter-exchanged between farmers and are most probably not landrace material. The question concerning the origin of these mixtures remains unsolved and further investigation will be carried out to identify sources of variation in farmers’ field.
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