Monensin Toxicosis in Camels Reared in Egypt: Updating Clinical and Clinicopathological Investigations -

An acute and sub acute onset of illness were reported in a camel ranch in Egypt after accidental feeding a clamed newly imported broiler finsher concentrate containing ionophore monensin sodium with concenteration (100mg/kg feed) , So this work was carried out to s tudy the alterations in clinical and clinic - pathological pictures in victim camels. Victim camels showed signs of acute heart failure with significant increase in respiratory rate and its depth , marked elevation of heart rate with tachyarrhythmia, pulse rate was rapid and weak, muscular tremors , respiratory distress , staggering and falling with lateral recumbancy in acute cases while subacute cases showed signs of congested heart failure , restless ness, depression , S.C edema in the area extended from the prepuce toward umbilicus and varying degree of myoglobulinuria and dark colored foul smelling diarrhea were noticed in both groups . Clinico - pathological picture showed significant elevations (p≤0.00 1) in PCV , muscles enzymes ( AST, CPK, LDH) , hypocalcaemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia and hyperphosphatemia. Urinalysis revealed sever myoglobinuria with chocolate brown discoloration of urine in acute toxicosis and red brown d iscoloration in sub acute case s. ( Sabry Ahmed Mousa and Hassan Taha El - Hamamsy . Monensin Toxicosis in Camels reared in Egypt: updating clinical and clinicopathological investigations . Rep Opinion 2013;5(8): 57 - 6 1 ). ( ISSN: 1553 - 9873). . 8
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