A Typo-Chronological and Analytical Lithic Study of the Neolithic Period in Jordan. A Case Study of Tell Abu Suwwan

Tell Abu Suwwan is one of the Neolithic mega-sites of Jordan, located east of the ruins of Roman Jerash, north of modern Amman. Four seasons of excavation revealed continuous occupation during the MPPNB, LPPNB, PPNC and Yarmoukian periods. These excavations produced enormous numbers of chipped stone artifacts from 45 units (each unit is 5*5 m). This study presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of approximately 1500 lithic artifacts and 300 arrowheads recovered from securely dated contexts. This research demonstrates that the defining characteristics of the lithic assemblages found at Tell Abu Suwwan correspond strongly to those of the other major Pre-Pottery Neolithic B and early Pottery Neolithic sites in the southern Levant, with the added recognition of some unique tools and tool characteristics.
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