Сучасна діяльність Національної поліції щодо протидії окремим злочинам у базових галузях економіки України (агропромисловий комплекс)

t is emphasized that economic crimes affect all types of economic activity, are reflected in various spheres of society. Not only intentional encroachments on property have increased, but also other crimes related to economic activity: economic abuse, abuse of power by employees of institutions, enterprises, organizations, "bribery", fraud, forgery of documents. The main burden of combating economic crime falls on the National Police, and the priority role in the prevention of economic crime belongs to the criminal police, which includes the Department of Strategic Investigations. The effectiveness of prevention of economic crimes is ensured by high-quality information and analytical activities, the presence of scientifically sound prognostic estimates of high probability. The police should assess the following indicators: the actual level and trends of the criminal business, both parasitic on the legal economy and that which exists in illegal economic activities; the share of criminal communities in it; comparative intensity of fraud by areas and territories. The objects of preventive activities of the National Police should be: negative phenomena and processes that contribute to the commission of specific economic and tax crimes or facilitate their commission; persons planning or preparing to commit economic crimes; persons in respect of whom the National Police controls their behavior in cases provided by law; persons with persistent illegal behavior and who have previously been prosecuted for economic crimes; persons who are prosecuted for the commission of these crimes, as well as suspects or accused of committing economic crimes, if the criminal proceedings are terminated due to non-rehabilitative circumstances, as well as persons in respect of whom criminal proceedings were refused on the same grounds. The modern concept of combating economic and organized crime should be based on a strictly developed methodology for comprehensive analysis of certain features as a result of criminal analysis of a large amount of data obtained from various sources, including integrated information retrieval systems of the National Police of Ukraine.
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