Generation of single entangled photon-phonon pairs via an atom-photon-phonon interaction

Quantum blockade and entanglement play important roles in quantum information and quantum communication as quantum blockade is an effective mechanism to generate single photons (phonons) and entanglement is a crucial resource for quantum information processing. In this work, we propose a method to generate single entangled photon-phonon pairs in a hybrid optomechanical system. We show that photon blockade, phonon blockade, and photon-phonon correlation and entanglement can be observed via the atom-photon-phonon (tripartite) interaction, under the resonant atomic driving. The correlated and entangled single photons and single phonons, i.e., single entangled photon-phonon pairs, can be generated in both the weak and strong tripartite interaction regimes. Our results may have important applications in the development of highly complex quantum networks.
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