Ossified extradural en-plaque meningioma of the cervical spine

Abstract A 57-year-old woman sustained gradually progressive sensorimotor disturbance in the left upper extremity for one year. Neurological examination found a diminished sensation below the left C7 dermatome and reduced strength in the left interosseous muscles. Computed tomography of the cervical spine revealed a high density mass at C7, in the left dorsal part of the spinal canal. Magnetic resonance imaging found an enhancing, en-plaque tumor at C6-T1, involving a non-enhancing part, and considerable compression of the spinal cord. The patient underwent tumor resection through hemilaminectomy of C5-C7. The tumor was located epidurally, highly fibrous including bony-hard parts, and severely adhered to the dura mater that necessitated drilling for debulking. A subtotal resection was achieved and histological diagnosis was a fibrous meningioma with metaplastic ossification. Ossification may be a pathognomonic appearance of spinal extradural meningiomas that makes resection maneuvers difficult.
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