Antiarrhythmic effects of cibenzoline

Abstract Thirty-three patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias were referred for evaluation of their arrhythmias using programmed electrical stimulation to guide antiarrhythmic therapy. Cibenzoline succinate, a new antiarrhythmic agent, was compared to procainamide in patients with ventricular tachycardia. Cibenzoline was given intravenously, initially 1.0 mg/kg, then in 1 mg/kg increments to a maximum of 3.0 mg/kg, during electrophysiologic testing. The results were compared to procainamide, which was also administered intravenously to 1000 and then to 1500 mg. Cibenzoline provided protection against ventricular tachycardia induction in 16 of 33 patients. The PR interval increased 13%, QRS duration widened 26%, and QT c interval was prolonged by 7%. There was a 9% fall in mean arterial blood pressure. Procainamide prevented ventricular tachycardia induction in 21 out of 31 patients tested. The PR interval increased 11%, QRS duration widened 27%, and QT c interval prolonged by 8%. Cibenzoline was given orally to 13 patients for chronic treatment. Chronic oral cibenzoline therapy after a mean follow-up of 8.8 months caused a reduction of ventricular ectopy from 666 to 190 beats/hr. Ventricular tachycardia events decreased per Holter monitor recording from 6 to 0.6. Cibenzoline therapy was discontinued in 5 of 13 patients due to break-through arrhythmias (nonsustained ventricular tachycardia on Holter monitor and recurrence of symptoms). Cibenzoline may be an effective antiarrhythmic agent in selected patients.
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