Информативность региональных и международных стандартов оценки длины и массы тела детей и подростков

A comparative analysis of performance evaluation of anthropometric screening 7494 urban (3014) and rural (4484) students 1 11 classes using regional assessment tables and the International WHO standard. The height of the body of urban schoolchildren exceeds a WHO’s reference group, rural not significantly differ from the international standard. Boys Nizhny Novgorod are characterized by large values of BMI compared with WHO standards, rural boys of Nizhny Novgorod region less. Urban and rural girls are estimated BMI below the standard of WHO. This orientation estimates for both standards paired with each other. Regional standards is preferable for intra and intergroup evaluation of anthropometric parameters of screening on the territory of the Russian Federation. International standard can be unified for the comparative analysis of physical development of schoolchildren in different ethno-territorial groups.
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