Rpm2p: separate domains promote tRNA and Rpm1r maturation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria

Rpm2p is a protein subunit of yeast mitochondrial RNase P and is also required for the maturation of Rpm1r, the mitochondrially-encoded RNA subunit of the enzyme. Previous work demonstrated that an insertional disruption of RPM2, which produces the C-terminally truncated protein Rpm2-ΔCp, supports growth on glucose but cells lose some or all of their mitochondrial genome and become petite. These petites, even if they retain the RPM1 locus, lose their ability to process the 5′-ends of mitochondrial tRNA. We report here that if strains containing the truncated RPM2 allele are created and maintained on respiratory carbon sources they have wild-type mitochondrial genomes, and a significant portion of tRNA transcripts are processed. In contrast, precursor Rpm1r transcripts accumulate and mature Rpm1r is not made. These data show that one function of the deleted C-terminal region is in the maturation of Rpm1r, and that this region and mature Rpm1r are not absolutely required for RNase P activity. Finally, we demonstrate that full activity can be restored if the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of Rpm2p are supplied in trans.
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