Desenvolupament de material i noves dinàmiques d’aprenentatge per a l’assignatura de psicologia de la memòria (I23)

EnglishWe compared the output at the final exam of two groups of students enrolled in the subject of Psychology of Memory in the Psychology Degree at the University Jaume I. One group was involved in the application of the harmonization of higher education in the common European space initiative (European Space for Higher Education: EEES), and another one following previous educational methodologies applied to that subject during past years. The objective was to test whether educational methodologies involved in the EEES yielded a better knowledge acquisition in the subject of Psychology of Memory. The results showed better results in the harmonized group compared to the non-harmonized group. These results can not be attributed to the use of new educational methodologies contemplated in the EEES, but to a previous better curriculum (global grade at the PAAU) of those students enrolled in the harmonized group. catalaS’ha comparat el rendiment en l’examen final de l’alumnat de dos grups (un d’harmonitzacio europea i l’altre no harmonitzat) de l’assignatura de Psicologia de la Memoria, amb l’objectiu de veure fins a quin punt les noves metodologies d’aprenentatge introduides son responsables de la millora en el rendiment de l’alumnat. Els resultats han mostrat un millor rendiment del grup harmonitzat respecte del grup no harmonitzat, que no pot ser atribuit a la introduccio de noves metodologies docents, sino, en certa mida, al millor nivell curricular previ del grup d’harmonitzacio europea (la nota a les PAAU).
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