Pandemia e crimes contra a humanidade: o “caráter desumano” da gestão da catástrofe sanitária no Brasil / Pandemic and crimes against humanity: the "inhuman character" of health catastrophe management in Brazil

DOI: 10.1590/2179-8966/2021/61769 Resumo Quais seriam os criterios para afericao do carater desumano de atos praticados por governos contra a populacao civil durante uma pandemia? Para responder a esta pergunta, o presente ensaio, situado na interface entre o direito internacional penal e a saude global, resgata um passado de praticas delituosas no campo sanitario para apontar, no presente, a determinacao politica e ideologica das respostas nacionais a Covid-19. A seguir, recorre ao pensamento de Hannah Arendt e Mireille Delmas-Marty para tratar do carater evolutivo dos crimes contra a humanidade, como base para a analise de um caso paradigmatico: a resposta brasileira a pandemia de Covid-19, cujas condutas governamentais sao apresentadas a luz de elementos como contexto, actus reus e mens rea . Palavras-chave: Pandemia, Crimes contra a humanidade, Saude global Abstract What are the criteria for assessing the inhumane character of acts committed by governments against the civilian population during a pandemic? To answer this question, this essay, situated at the interface between international criminal law and global health, recalls a past of criminal practices in the health field to point out, in the present, the political and ideological determinants of national responses to Covid-19. Next, it draws on the thought of Hannah Arendt and Mireille Delmas-Marty to address the evolving nature of crimes against humanity, as a basis for the analysis of a paradigmatic case: the Brazilian response to the Covid-19 pandemic, whose governmental conducts are presented in the light of elements such as context, actus reus and mens rea . Keywords: Pandemic, Crimes against humanity, Global health.
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