Thermoregulatory response to wearing encapsulated protective clothing during simulated work in various thermal environments.

This investigation assessed the thermoregulatory impact of performing simulated tasks normally encountered during chemical accident clean-up while wearing chemical protection clothing under various representative thermal loads. A Drager 500 (D) suit was worn with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) external to the suit, while both a Trelleborg Trellchem® Super Extra (T) and a James North MZ500 (J) suit required the SCBA to be worn inside the suit. The D suit was unventilated, while the T and S suits were ventilated with the subject's exhaled air. The T suit also was ventilated via a 2 L/min flow of air from the SCBA. Subjects were six firefighters. Each simulation lasted for 30 minutes and involved tasks such as drum rolling, drum carrying, walking, and hose dragging. The trials were conducted at 11.3, 17.1, and 23.8 °C WBGT. The overall mean peak heart rate was 128.1±2.80 breaths/min and was elicited while performing lifting tasks. Nonsignificant differences (p>0.05) were observed for both the av...
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