Effects of constant infusion of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in ovariectomized ewes with hypothalamo-pituitary disconnection: further evidence for differential control of LH and FSH secretion and the lack of a priming effect

: Experiments were conducted in ovariectomized ewes after hypothalamo-pituitary disconnection (HPD) to examine LH and FSH secretion during constant infusion of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or physiological saline and to determine whether or not a constant GnRH background enhances or diminishes pituitary responsiveness to GnRH pulses. Whereas pulsatile GnRH infusions maintained LH and FSH secretion, constant infusions (125 or 250 ng/h) led to the complete cessation of LH secretion and reduced FSH secretion. The rate of decline of plasma FSH concentrations was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater in animals receiving 250 ng GnRH/h than in saline-treated animals, whereas that in animals receiving 125 ng/h was not significantly different. When GnRH pulses were administered during constant GnRH infusion, the plasma LH pulse amplitudes were similar to those seen without the GnRH background. These data show that, in ovariectomized-HPD ewes FSH secretion does not require GnRH pulses and may merely reflect ongoing FSH synthesis and a constant low background of GnRH does not affect pituitary responsiveness to GnRH pulses.
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