Activity of drugs against bacteria, fungi and viruses

We use drugs in treatment of diseases. A successful drug is one which is readily absorbed slowly excreted and having low toxicity. To evaluate the antibacterial activity of drug, add drug is in known concentration to the cultures of the test organisms. We use cup-plate agar diffusion method for this. To evaluate the Antifungal activity the compound screened in vitro against Aspergillus niger. Potato Daxtrose agar medium was used and the zone of inhibition were measured. The activity of compound was represented by (+), (++), (+++). To evaluate antiviral activity we use EMC virus and JE Virus. EMC virus has been reported from Rodents, Rhesus monkey chimpanzee and Mandrill baboon. Rats have considerable virus in their tissues, urine and faces. In Human EMC virus shows a mild febrile illness to severe encephalomyelitis. EMC virus causes fibrile CNS disease accompanied by sign of paralysis, headache, nuchal rigidity, vomiting and stiff neck etc. EMCV infection can be prevented through vaccination. JEV has a single stranded. Single stranded RNA genome which serves as m-RNA. The coat consists of several copies of 13-14 Kda capsid proteins. JEV causes acute infection of CNS producing meningo myalo encephalitis. The mortality rate is high in this disease. The virus is spread through mosquito vectors and multiplies in pigs and rats. JEV duplicates in liver, spleen, lungs and other tissues. There is urgent need to find out such agents which may act as effective antiviral.
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