Hepatitis A outbreak in a shelter for the homeless in Vienna

An outbreak of hepatitis A was observed in a shelter for the homeless in Vienna with about 200 inhabitants. Twenty-two cases occurred within a period of 6 months. The outbreak could not be brought under control by measures of general hygiene. However, after the administration of hepatitis A immunoglobulin (120 IU/ml), at a dosage of 0.05 ml/kg body weight, to 102 of the 105 seronegative inhabitants and members of staff, no further clinical cases of hepatitis A were reported from this group. Nevertheless, 8 of these 102 "protected" persons showed signs of subclinical infection at subsequent follow up. Apart from these, 2 further cases of hepatitis A occurred among the non-immunised children at risk, whose parents had refused permission for serological investigation or immunoglobulin administration.
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