Estimation of live weight in Red Sokoto kids using linear body traits

The study was carried out in Akko, Kwame and Yamaltu/Deba Local Government Areas of Gombe State, between August and November, 2019 to estimate body weight of Red Sokoto kids using linear body measurements. A total of 460kids (219 males and 241 females) were used to obtain the following parameters; live weight (LW), body length (BL), chest girth (CG), wither height (WH), leg length (LL), loin girth (LG), ear length (EL) and face length (FL). The animals were sampled from four local markets across the study area (Kashere, Kumo, Malam Sidi and Kwadom). Data generated were subjected to descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation and linear regression analyses. The coefficients of variation of the variables observed ranged from 21.14 % for body weight to 7.86 % for chest girth. The mean LW, BL, CG, WH, LL, LG, EL and FL were 11.09 kg, 37.94 cm, 50.95 cm, 43.84 cm, 14.21 cm, 54.47 cm, 11.13 cm and 8.23 cm, respectively. Location had effect on leg (P<0.01), ear and face lengths (P<0.001). Similarly, significantly wider chest, longer ear and face (P<0.05) were observed in males. The correlation coefficients observed among the parameters were mostly moderate to high, positive and significant (P<0.01). The step-wise multiple regression analysis showed that CG had coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.44 (44 %) when used in the prediction of LW, while subsequent inclusion of LG and BL yielded better result (0.47 and 0.49, respectively). Therefore, the study revealed that both location and sex had no effect on most of the linear body measurements and the accuracy of these traits (linear body measurements) in the prediction of LW is moderate. Keywords: Red Sokoto kids, Prediction, Body weight, Linear body traits
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