Cyclic GMP-Gated CNG Channels Function in Sema3A-Induced Growth Cone Repulsion

Summary Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) transduce external signals required for sensory processes, e.g., photoreception, olfaction, and taste. Nerve growth cone guidance by diffusible attractive and repulsive molecules is regulated by differential growth cone Ca 2+ signaling. However, the Ca 2+ -conducting ion channels that transduce guidance molecule signals are largely unknown. We show that rod-type CNGC-like channels function in the repulsion of cultured Xenopus spinal neuron growth cones by Sema3A, which triggers the production of the cGMP that activates the Xenopus CNGA1 ( x CNGA1) subunit-containing channels in interneurons. Downregulation of x CNGA1 or overexpression of a mutant x CNGA1 incapable of binding cGMP abolished CNG currents and converted growth cone repulsion to attraction in response to Sema3A. We also show that Ca 2+ entry through x CNGCs is required to mediate the repulsive Sema3A signal. These studies extend our knowledge of the function of CNGCs by demonstrating their requirement for signal transduction in growth cone guidance.
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