Literary Review of Aarogyavardhini vati and its effect on Kitibha Kushtha

Background- Ayurveda is the ancient branch of science which deals with various diseases and their chikitsa. Beautiful skin reflects individual’s fitness and confidence. Skin is the largest sense organ. In present era everyone is having full of stress and strain due to cut throat competitive lifestyle. The lifestyle changes have resulted huge increase in skin diseases. In Ayurveda skin disorders are given under the heading ‘Kushtha’. It is the disease of the ‘Raktavaha Strotas Dushthi’.There are so many Ayurvedic formulations for treatment of skin diseases among them Aarogyavardhini vati is widely used. Meaning of Aarogyavardhini vati is ‘Aarogy’ which means good health and ‘vardhini’ which means improving property. It means is the formulation which has property to increase good health. Aarogyavardhini vati is effective in various types Kushthas especially in Kitibha Kushtha. ‘Shyava kinkhara sparsha parusham kitibham smrutam. Objectives: To study review literature of Aarogyavardhini vati through Ayurvedic To study the effect of Aarogyavardhini vati in Kitibha Kushtha. Material and Methods- All information has been collected from various Ayurvedic Samhitas and through research articles, journals.  Result and conclusion- Aarogyavardhini vati is very effective drug for the treatment of Kitibha Kushtha.
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