Kalici kalp pilleri ilk olarak 1950'li yillarda tam atriyoventrikuler (AV) blok bulunan hastalarda mortaliteyi onlemek icin kullanilmistir . Teknolojik ve tibbi gelismeler sonucunda kalici kalp pillerinin hayat kurtarici ozelliklerine hayat kalitesini artirici ozellikler de eklenmistir. Uygulama sonrasi pulmoner emboli gibi onemli komplikasyonlar gelisebilir. Calismada uzun sureli kalici pacemaker kullaniminin tromboembolik sureclerde artis ile ilgili ongorunun degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Ocak 2012 - Ocak 2013 tarihleri arasinda kardiyoloji poliklinigine basvuran, cesitli endikasyonlar ile kalici pacemaker implantasyonu uygulanan hastalarin sosyodemografik ozellikleri anket ile kaydedilmistir. Laboratuvar bulgulari, pulmoner tromboemboli tanisi icin yapilmis olan goruntuleme tetkikleri, ekokardiyografi bulgulari geriye donuk olarak toplanmistir. D-dimer (p=0,014), sol ventrikul diastolik (p=0,035) ve sistolik (p=0,038) olcumlerinin pulmoner emboli olusan ve olusmayan gruplar arasinda anlamli bir fark oldugu saptanmistir. Calismamizda ongorulenin aksine sag ventrikul genisliginin ve SPAP degerlerinin yerine pulmoner emboli riskini onceden saptayabilmek icin kanda D-dimer olcumunun ve eko ile sol ventrikul diastolik ile sistolik olcumlerinin yon gosterici olabilecegi sonucu elde edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kalici kalp pacemaker, pulmoner emboli, d-dimer Abstract The use of permanent pacemaker increased rapidly with the development of technology after its invention in 1950’s. Major complications such as pulmonary emboli may develop after its implementation. In the study, it was aimed the evaluation of the anticipation of increase in thromboembolic processes with the use of long-standing pacemaker. The sociodemographic attributes of patients implemented permanent pacemaker implantation, who applied to cardiology polyclinic between the dates of January 2012 and January 2013, were recorded through a survey. The laboratory findings, imaging studies performed for pulmonary thromboembolism diagnosis and echocardiography findings were collected retrospectively. A significant difference between the groups with and without pulmonary emboli was determined with regards to D-dimer (p=0,014), left ventricle diastole (p=0,035) and systole (p=0,038) measurements. In our study, we consider that D-dimer measurement in blood and echo and left ventricle diastolic and systolic measurements would be instructive for predetermining pulmonary embolism risk. Key words: Permanent pacemaker, pulmonary emboli, d-dimer
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