Anorexic Subjects Underestimate the Amount of Food

Anorexic Subjects Underestimate the Amount of Food Vinai Piergiuseppe ( “Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121 Italy. Ferrato Noemi “Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121 Italy Cardetti Silvia “Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121Italy. Vallauri Paola “Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121 Italy. Carpegna Gabriella Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121 Italy. Masante Donatella “Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121 Italy. Luxardi Gianluigi Eating Disorders Unit ASL N° 6 Western Friuli S. Vito al Tagliamento Pordenone, Italy Ostuzzi Roberto Eating Disorders Unit Villa Margherita Vicenza, Italy, Pozzato Marita Eating Disorders Unit Villa Margherita Vicenza, Italy, Todisco Patrizia Eating Disorders Unit of Spedali Riuniti Brescia Italy Ruggiero Giovanni “Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121 Italy Sassaroli Sandra “Studi Cognitivi”, Post-graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School, 27 Montebello street, Milano, 20121 Italy. peoples and anorexic patients capability to evaluate amounts of food. We also investigated the influence of unnatural color and odor of food on the perception of the amount. A group of anorexic subjects was asked to evaluate how many biscuits were used to prepare of a certain amount of broken biscuits. Abstract People affected by eating disorders often misjudge their food intake. This misjudgement might be due to fear of eating and of the amount of food eaten. This study contrasted normal
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