A educação infantil com foco na inclusão de alunos com TEA

A inclusao escolar, proposta na qual todos os alunos sao aceitos e reconhecidos, independentemente de suas caracteristicas individuais, coloca as escolas na atualidade, desde a Educacao Infantil, o desafio de desenvolverem praticas pedagogicas que favorecam a aprendizagem de todos, tendo em vista que a Educacao Infantil e o primeiro nivel de ensino da Educacao Basica, desde a promulgacao da lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educacao Nacional no ano de 1996. Neste sentido, o presente estudo e parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a inclusao de alunos com transtorno do espectro autista na Educacao Infantil. Tem, como objetivo, refletir sobre o processo historico da inclusao escolar e seu contexto atual, contextualizando a educacao infantil como inicio da convivencia com a diversidade, com vistas a inclusao de alunos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), apresentando conceitos e implicacoes pedagogicas diante da inclusao escolar destas criancas. Palavras-chave: Educacao Inclusiva. Transtorno do Espetro Autista. Educacao Infantil. Praticas Pedagogicas Inclusivas. Early childhood education focused on the inclusion of ASD students   School inclusion, proposal in which all students are accepted and recognized regardless of their individual characteristics, is currently posing schools, from kindergarten on, the challenge of developing teaching practices that promote the learning of all, given that Early Childhood education has been the first educational level of elementary education since the enactment of the 1996 National Education Guidelines and Bases law. In this sense, this study is part of the results of a research project on the inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in early childhood education. It aims to discuss some considerations about the historical process of school inclusion and its current context, identify early childhood education as the beginning of students’ coexistence with diversity, aiming to promote the inclusion of ASD students, and present teaching concepts and implications taking these children’s school inclusion into account. Keywords: Inclusive Education. Autism Spectrum Disorder. Early Childhood Education. Inclusive Teaching Practices.
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