Situación de los parques infantiles públicos en Cantabria durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

espanolJustificacion. Cantabria publico una resolucion en junio de 2020, estableciendo medidas sanitarias, como el cierre de parques infantiles, para el control de la pandemia por covid19, a pesar de que la evidencia cientifica demuestre que el contagio se produzca principalmente por aerosoles, siendo residual la transmision por fomites. Objetivo. Explorar las repercusiones del cierre de parques infantiles sobre la poblacion durante la pandemia covid-19 en Cantabria. Metodologia. Estudio descriptivo con metodologia mixta, cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se realizo una tecnica de seleccion muestral masiva, inicialmente en cascada y posteriormente en bola de nieve, a traves de redes sociales Whatsapp y Twitter, entre el 5 y el 14 de noviembre del 2020. Resultados. Participaron 41 personas, 70% mujeres y 91% con hijos menores de 14 anos. El 80,5% opinan que cerrar los parques publicos infantiles es una medida innecesaria. Cerca del 20% frecuenta mas espacios cerrados. El 68% cree es percibido por los ninos como algo negativo. En los datos cualitativos, se identifican 3 categorias a favor del cierre de parques y 5 en contra, destacando que la apertura de parques evitaria la concentracion en otros espacios. Conclusiones. La poblacion no esta de acuerdo con el cierre del area de juegos como medida para combatir la pandemia de covid19, la cual se considera inapropiada, cientificamente injustificada y contraproducente, ademas de haber sido aplicada de manera desigual en su entorno. EnglishJustification: In june 2020, a resolution was published in Cantabria by developing health measures, such as the closure of playgrounds in order to control the COVID-19 pandemic, despite scientific evidence shows the contagion is caused mainly by aerosols, where formite transmission is residual. Objective: To explore the impact of playground closures on the population during the COVID-19 pandemic in Cantabria. Methodology. In this research, it was conducted a mixed methods studies, which combined qualitative and quantitative components. It was carried out a significant sample selection, using at first waterfall model and later a snowball technique through social networks like WhatsApp and Twitter in the period from 5-14 November 2020. Results. A total of 41 people participated in the study, 70 percent of them were women and 91% of the sample had children under 14 years of age. 80.5% of them thought about closing public playgrounds was an unnecessary measure and close to 20 percent of these frequented enclosed spaces. 68% of them believe that the closure of playgrounds was perceived or noticed by children as negative. Qualitative datum showed 3 categories for and 5 against the closure of playgrounds, as well as they highlighted the opening up of parks should prevent concentration of people in other spaces. Conclusion: Population does not agree with the closure of playground as a measure to combat covid19 pandemic, which is regarded as inappropriate, scientifically unjustified and counterproductive, in addition to having been implemented unevenly in their environment.
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