Gene structure of the Kiss1 receptor-2 (Kiss1r-2) in the Atlantic halibut: Insights into the evolution and regulation of Kiss1r genes

Abstract Kisspeptin and its receptor, Kiss1r, play an essential role in the control of the onset of puberty in vertebrates. We characterized the cDNA and genomic DNA encoding Kiss1r in Atlantic halibut ( Hippoglossus hippoglossu s). The 1146 bp open reading frame predicts a 381 amino acid protein with high homology to the Kiss1r-2 of other teleost fish. Phylogenetic analysis of Kiss1r sequences suggests that the mammalian Kiss1r-1 form arose by way of a gene duplication prior to the emergence of amphibians. Synteny analysis demonstrated the highly conserved nature of the Kiss1r-2 region in teleosts, suggesting that flanking regulatory sequences are also likely to be conserved. Bioinformatic analysis identified six conserved regions in piscine Kiss1r-2 upstream sequences, providing potential targets for future in-depth investigation of Kiss1r-2 regulation. Kiss1r-2 expression in the brain increased coinciding with the onset of puberty. Expression levels in the gonads were two orders of magnitude lower than those of the brain, a characteristic apparently conserved in other fishes, and expression in gonads was only detected in immature fish.
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