[Diagnostic contribution of abnormal delayed-type hypersensitivity to Candida albicans. Characterization test by activation of cells sensitized to successive dilutions of Candida].

: By measuring the activation of different cell models (lymphocytes and lymphocytic subsets) in the presence of Candida albicans with flow cytometry reading, it is possible to show that successive dilutions of Candida albicans can lead to lymphocyte activation in abnormally-sensitized subjects. In a first trial, 10 subjects were tested in duplicate. The decrease of activity of the dilutions does not appear to be regular in relation to the progression of the dilutions. The activity of the dilutions wanes relatively rapidly with the first dilutions, then recurs later very distinctly, at the 6th dilution, then ebbs, then reappears in similar manner at the 9th, the 14th, and finally, the 19th dilution. Cell reactivity appears to differ depending on the subject. It can be represented through the calculated slope of the regression line, for each series of data. It therefore appears feasible to determine a threshold of reactivity and a scale of sensitivity, to make it possible to specify the degree of abnormal reactivity existing at a given time for a given subject. The constancy of the activity of the different dilutions tested, on 10 cultures of a single cell suspension, is especially well demonstrated in the second trial, showing unusually small standard deviations. Thus, the question arises as to the exact nature of the observed phenomenon and of its analysis from a physical-chemical point of view, with regard to the pharmacological effect of successive dilutions of Candida albicans.
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