Bestimmung der Zytokine und Zytokinrezeptoren bei Frühgeburtlichkeit

One of the leading causes of preterm labour is a subclinical intrauterine infection. The diagnosis of this inapparent infection is an unsolved problem, because clinical parameters show the infection mostly too late and cannot be used for early detection of women at high risk for preterm labour. A prospective clinical study measuring cytokines and cytokine receptor concentration in amniotic fluid from patients with preterm labour and preterm rupture of membranes (PROM) was undertaken to answer the question whether the amount of cytokines is positively correlated to the risk of preterm delivery. In 78 patients (43 controls, 23 patients with PROM, 7 with preterm labour and delivery <37 weeks of gestation, 7 with preterm labour and delivery at term) amniotic fluid was collected and the following cytokines were measured by an ELISA: IL1β, IL2, IL6, TNFα, IFNγ, TNF receptor 55 und 75, IFNγ receptor, IL2 receptor. We found significant, in some cases highly significant differences in the cytokine content of amniotic fluid of patients with PROM compared with controls and patients with preterm labour and delivery before 37 weeks of gestation compared with controls. There were no differences between patients with preterm labour and delivery at term and controls. Amniotic fluid cultures were positive only in 20-25% of the cases and therefore not a predictive sign. The determination of cytokines in amniotic fluid of patients with preterm labour seems to be a good marker to predict the risk of preterm delivery. The development of a cytokine receptor antagonist as a causal therapy strategy against preterm labour will be a project for the future that promises to be successful.
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