The liver of wrasse - morphology and function as a mirror of point source chemical impact.

Abstract Corkwing wrasse ( Symphodus melops L.), a protogynous, non-migratory lipfish species, living close to rocky shores was chosen as an indicator species for the monitoring of biological effects of contaminants. Fish were caught by local fisherman at the Norwegian west coast in fjord sites within the framework of the EU BEEP project. The sites represented different point source impacts of (I) copper (a former copper mine), (II) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, aluminium smelter discharge), (III) formaldehyde plus PAHs (kelp-factory and influence of the aluminium smelter). Livers of wrasse were studied for histopathological alterations and compared to healthy livers of fish from a reference location. Besides liver morphology, different functional and metabolic parameters were measured to link pathological alterations to functional disorders. The integrity of the lysosomal compartment was tested by the assessment of lysosomal membrane stability (lys), and the accumulation of neutral lipids and lipofuscin. Activity and intracellular localisation of the NADPH-producing enzymes in the liver were assessed histochemically and measured by computer-assisted image analysis. Histopathological alterations were most severe at the site impacted by formaldehyde and PAHs. These findings were associated with highest tumor prevalence, lowest membrane stabilities in hepatocytes and highest accumulation rates of lipofuscin in the liver. The activities of the NADPH-producing enzymes phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGDH) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) were significantly lower compared to unimpacted reference fish. Histopathological alterations showed clear differences dependent on the input source. Potential links between specific contaminant impact and functional and morphological disorders are discussed.
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