Classification of artocatpus beteropbykus l. (jackfruit) maturity using disposable screen-printed strips based on chernometric analysis

'School OjChnniCalSnencer, Uni~rsiX Soinr M&y&, Pmm& Ma5ia 'SrhoolOjBi~~~~~ ISflences, Unid Sainr Mdhyio, Pcnons, MaynO Abstract ~ The present smdy has been undertaken with a Yim to monitor the npcnujs process md to investigate the different ma-ty rnges of jackfruit. Response of the disposable screen-printed strips fibdcated based on thick film technology was malyzed based on rhnnomerric approach incorporating Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Thc consmction of the dassification modcl by Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) enabler unknown maturity stage of jackfruit to be identified based on this model The' combination of chemomeuicr based on the two classification methods proves that the screen- printed strip is capable to clmify the marumtion of the fruit. Kcpords: Jdhir mmrity, dkposible, rctcen-pnntcd sttip, chcmomerric
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