Abortion in adolescence: a clinician's reflections.

: In the US there are about 1,000,000 teen pregnancies, and of these, 350,000 abortions each year. Doctors note that pregnant teens often wait late for care and are more likely to have 2nd trimester abortions. There are higher mortality rates among teenage pregnancies carried to birth, than those terminated my abortion. Death rates are much higher in illegal abortion than legal abortion. Legal issues relating to teen abortion center around parental consent, though recent court rulings on state laws requiring parental consent found them unconstitutional. The medical professionals are in the middle, and a heavy debate continues on adolescent autonomy or parental control. The National Academy of Sciences recommends widespread availability of oral contraceptives and distribution of condoms, in addition to sex education programs for teens. If these measures fail abortion should be available without parents' consent, but parent involvement should be encouraged. States may require parental consent if they offer an alternate procedure. It is concluded that teens should have as much knowledge of sex, services accessible and as many choices open to them as adults.
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