Correlação da energia de fratura com parâmetros reológicos de ligantes e mástiques asfálticos

The fracture energy is a property related to the contribu$on of asphalt binders to the fa$gue resistance of asphalt mixtures and therefore has great influence on the mechanical behavior of flexible pavements, par$cularly in the development and propaga$on of cracks. This research aims to contribute to a beLer understanding of the effects of mineral fillers on the fa$gue cracking of asphalt mixtures, at intermediate temperatures, through the Binder Fracture Energy (BFE) test, developed at the University of Florida, with determina$on of the fracture energy as a func$on of the type and content of mineral fillers and asphalt binder. The results show that the fracture energy can be related to the dynamic shear modulus (G *) and phase angle (δ), obtained from tests in the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), and with the s$ffness [S (t)] and the relaxa$on modulus [m (t)], obtained from tests in the bending beam rheometer (BBR). Howevver, all correla$ons are weak, reinforcing the hypothesis that the best way to predict the fa$gue performance of an asphalt is using fundamental proper$es, like the fracture energy.
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