Proof of concept: anti-EPCAM gold nanorods and femtosecond laser pulses for retinoblastoma treatment

Retinoblastoma is a retinal cancerous disease that primarily affects young children. To date, preservation of the eye and its functionality is secondary to saving the child’s life. EpCAM+ Y79 retinoblastoma cells behave like cancer stem cells that are recognized as cells that are resistant to treatment. Additionally, reoccurrence of tumours is attributed to the persistence of cancer stem cells. An effective technique to treat retinoblastoma cancer cells is demonstrated using femtosecond laser pulses and EpCAM targeting gold nanorods (Au-NRs). Both fluorescence viability assay and MTS cellular metabolism assay confirm an astonishing cellular viability drop, to ~10%. It is shown that right after laser irradiation the cellular membrane ruptures. FESEM imaging shows that Au-NRs reach melting temperature after laser pulse exposure. The medium of the eye is transparent to NIR laser irradiation, making this treatment ideal for this type of cancer. This treatment methodology would also be an invaluable tool for treatment of chemotherapy-resistant and radiation-resistant cancers.
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