Mujeres científicas en la dictadura de Franco. Trayectorias investigadoras de Piedad de la Cierva y María Aránzazu Vigón

In this paper I explore the conditions that made possible the intellectual and research biographies of Piedad de la Cierva and Maria Aranzazu Vigon. These singular trajectories connected social factors and political authority with scientific disciplines. The work of both scientists developed in physical and disciplinary places novel for the historiography: Piedad de la Cierva in a military laboratory and Maria Aranzazu Vigon in a public institution of nuclear physics research. I propose a narration from the political history and social history perspective as well as from the history of science and the history of women ones. My proposal deals with a double objective: questioning their invisibilities and contributing the enrichment of the analysis of the past, making it more complex and plural.
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