Avaliação de Hb A 2 e Hb F em doadores de sangue de região malarígena da Amazônia Oriental brasileira por HPLC Evaluation of Hb A 2 and Hb F by HPLC in blood donors from the malaria endemic region of Eastern Amazon of Brazil

Abstract In malaria endemic regions of Africa, resistance toinfection by Plasmodium has been observed in under6-month-old children, when there are higher fetalhemoglobin (Hb F) levels. Research performed in theSao Jose do Rio Preto region, central-east Brazil,reported increased levels of Hb F in blood donors. Thepurpose of this work was to evaluate the A 2 hemoglobin(Hb A 2 ) and Hb F concentrations in blood donorsderiving from the Brazilian malaria endemic region.Forty-five blood donor samples from Macapa, frompatients with varying genders, ages and ethnic origins,were collected by venous puncture after informed Fig. 2 – Grafico da distribuicao das valores percentuais deHb F e Hb A2, obtidas por HPLC com equipamento VARIANT- Bio-Rad ANALYTE I D % TIME AREAF 2.6 1.23 50472P2 5.0 1.34 95773P3 4.7 1.72 90526Ao 84.0 2.62 1608380A2 2.9 3.67 48716Unknown 0.7 4.82 13157TOTAL AREA 1907026F 2.6% A2 2.9%30%20%10% 001 2 3 45 6A2 Fig. 1 – Cromatograma obtido pelo equipamento VARIANT-Bio-Rad. A seta ilustra a fracao de Hb F aumentada
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