Readiness and ServicesAvailability for Prevention and Treatment in Cardiovascular Patients in Primary Service Facilities (Puskesmas) Makassar City

Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 cause of death globally, with an estimated 17.9 million people every year. The increasing number of patients with cardiovascular disease in Indonesia must be in line with the improvement in Indonesia's cardiovascular health service system, one of which is primary servicein Community Health Center (puskesmas). Readiness and availability of services at puskesmas is a must for every public health service provider. The provision of health services is indispensable for health system management, monitoring, and evaluation. The purpose of this research is to determine the readiness and availability of prevention and treatment services for cardiovascular patients in primary facilities (Puskesmas) Makassar City. The type of research used is analytical observationalwith approach cross-sectional. The research instrument uses a Service Availability And Readiness Assessment (SARA) questionnaireby World Health Organization (WHO), modified and adapted to research needs. The study was conducted in all Makassar City Health Centers (47 Puskesmas) during March-June 2021. The data analysis carried out was univariate, bivariate, and spatial. Based on test results, chi-square shows no relationship between research variables with readiness and availability and availability of cardiovascular services at the Makassar City Health Center. The results obtained are Health Service Utilization Rate (APLK) (p=1.00), type of health center (p=1.00), and budget (Na). Suggestions that cardiovascular services' readiness and availability at the puskesmas need to be improved in several aspects, such as the need to archive the Monthly Report (LB) 1 data neatly and adequately so that information is not lost or scattered. About the readiness of medicines, the need for regular checks so that no medicationis missing. Empty or expired and the provision of laboratory examinations by government standards.
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