Molecular Conformations of the Polymorphic Forms of Cimetidine from 13C Solid-State NMR Distance and Angle Measurements

The polymorphic drug compound cimetidine, a histamine H2 receptor antagonist, was synthesized containing sites of 13C enrichment at the imidazolium methine carbon C2 and at the guanidinium methyl carbon C16. The structures of four crystalline forms of double 13C-labeled cimetidine, three anhydrates (A, B, and C) and a monohydrate (M1), were examined using 13C cross polarization magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) NMR methods. Rotational resonance magnetization exchange curves obtained for forms A and M1 were consistent with C2−C16 interatomic distances of 3.78 and 3.82 A as measured from their crystal structures. Exchange curves for forms B and C, for which crystal structures have not been obtained, indicated that in both cases the C2−C16 interatomic distance lies between 5.2 and 5.8 A, suggesting that cimetidine adopts a partially extended conformation in these forms. In addition, double quantum heteronuclear local field (2Q-HLF) NMR was used to determine the relative orientations of the 13C−H bonds at the two...
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