Validation of Atlanta, Georgia, Regional Commission Population Synthesizer

This paper presents the results of initial base-year and back-cast validation of the new Atlanta (Georgia) Regional Commission (ARC) population synthesizer (PopSyn), which acts as the conduit of land use information to the travel demand model. It takes information from the census and the land use model and creates a detailed synthetic population consistent with land use forecasts. A travel demand model can then predict travel for this population. The synthetic population includes a record for each household in the region and a record for each person in the household, so it is well suited for use by travel demand models employing disaggregate microsimulation. Although a PopSyn constitutes a powerful tool, it should be used with caution. By design, it provides misleadingly precise details about every person in the population. Because of limitations of its inputs and its synthesizing procedures, at best only some of the person and household characteristics accurately represent the population at the regional level of geographic aggregation, and many of those characteristics can be imprecise and inaccurate for very small geographic areas such as census tracts. A fundamental goal in the development of a PopSyn therefore is to synthesize as accurately and precisely as possible, for as disaggregate geography as possible, as many variables as possible that determine travel behavior. And a fundamental requirement in the use of a PopSyn should be to rely on it only for the characteristics it accurately represents and to aggregate results to a level at which the synthetic population is precise and accurate.
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