Ce-Mn oxides synthesized with citric acid on ceramic papers used as diesel particulate filters

Abstract Diesel Particulate filters are considered one of the most efficient technologies to reduce particulate matter emitted by diesel engines. In this paper we study the development of catalytic ceramic papers based on Mn-Ce and their applications as soot particle filters in bench scale tests. Ceramic papers were prepared by a dual polyelectrolyte papermaking method and were impregnated with Mn and Ce precursors through a wet-spray procedure using a commercial fogger. Catalytic ceramic papers were tested as catalysts for the combustion of soot, which was obtained both from the burning of diesel fuel and directly from a bench test. In addition, the filtering capacity of catalytic ceramic papers was tested through opacity measurements by placing the ceramic papers in a suitable case at the end of the engine. Mn-Ce based catalysts were active in the soot combustion. The addition of citric acid considerably improved the catalytic performance of all the systems studied. This beneficial effect of citric acid is related to an improvement in the distribution of the catalytic material onto the ceramic fibers, being the mixed equimolar oxide Mn-Ce the most active catalyst.
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