No-scale gauge non-singlet inflation inducing TeV scale inverse seesaw mechanism

We develop a model of sneutrino inflation that is charged under $U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge symmetry in no-scale supergravity framework. The model provides an interesting modification of tribrid inflation. We impose $U(1)_R$ symmetry on the renormalizable level while allow Planck suppressed non-renormalizable operators that break R-symmetry. This plays a crucial role in realizing a Starobinsly-like inflation scenario from one hand. On the other hand it plays essential role, as well as SUSY breaking effects, in deriving the neutrino masses from TeV inverse seesaw mechanism. Thus we provide an interpretation for the extremely small value of the $\mu_S$ mass parameter required for inverse seesaw mechanism. We discuss the reheating scenario and the possible constraints on the parameter space in connection to neutrino masses.
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