A Comparison of partitioning when applied to HF radar and wave model spectra

It is useful to partition ocean wave spectra for the classification of wind sea and swell and for detecting weaknesses in models or measuring systems. In this study various partitioning scheme have been investigated and their effectiveness, robustness and feasibility for use in automated systems taken into consideration. The partitioning scheme used by Hasselmann et al. (1996) appears to be the most useful for fully automated processes and therefore the performance of the partitioning method has been analyzed by comparisons of spectra from the Wavewatch III model, the Swan model and from HF radar. This comparison suggests that specific processes are needed to manage the effect of noise and sensitivity on the partitioning method when looking at the different spectra. The research has focused on the Celtic sea region for the 2003 to 2005 period when the Pisces radar system was operational. In addition a Directional Waverider buoy was deployed in the area and the buoy’s reconstructed spectra have also been considered.
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