Constraints on inflation from CMB and Lyman-alpha forest

We constrain the spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations by using recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Large Scale Structure (LSS) data. Specifically, we consider CMB data from the COBE, Boomerang and Maxima experiments, the real space galaxy power spectrum from the IRAS PSCz survey, and the linear matter power spectrum inferred from Ly-alpha forest spectra. We study the case of single field slow roll inflationary models, and we extract bounds on the scalar spectral index, n, the tensor to scalar ratio, r, and the running of the scalar spectral index, dlnk, for various combinations of the observational data. We find that CMB data, when combined with data from Lyman-alpha forest, place strong constraints on the inflationary parameters. Specifically, we obtain n \approx 0.9, r < 0.3 and dlnk \approx 0, indicating that single field hybrid models are ruled out.
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