[20 years after Chernobyl accident--is it a lot or not for the estimation its characteristics ?].

: The results of long standing researches in the zones, which suffered from Chernobyl accident, on cultured cells, mice, blood lymphocytes of inhabitants of polluted regions (adults and children) are brought in the paper. The conclusion is that residence in polluted territories results in genomic instability, that is manifested in many effects on cytogenetic, cellular and organisms levels. It was shown, that in late descendants of cells after exposition in Chernobyl zone the increase of cell death, the micronuclei level, the frequency of giant cells, the enhancement of radiosensitivity and the absence of the adaptive response was observed. In the culture of embryonic fibroblasts, that was obtained from the exposed mice, the increase of cells with aberrations of chromosome and the frequency of multiaberrant cells was noticed. In mice exposed in Chernobyl zone the decrease of amounts of the endothelial cells in the different parts of the brain, the enhancement of mice radiosensitivity was observed. All effects were discovered in the late descendants of cells and can be the result of genomic instability induced by low level irradiation in polluted by Chernobyl accident regions.
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